Originally Posted By: Micah

Oh Dean, have you been hitting the garlic again?


Knoblauch wird durch die Luftwaffe verboten.

Well at least that kind is. 7 years 2 months and (runs out of fingers) 14 days, not that I’m counting. ;\) With my luck, by then the lefties will have brought us national healthcare and the righties will use it as an excuse test everyone. I can’t count the number of times I’ve warned my lefty friends to be careful what they wish for.

Garlic related (the real kind), I freaked out a cashier at the grocery store the other day when I bought over a kilo of garlic. She looked at me quizzically so I looked around as if to check who was watching, then leaned forward and said “Vampires! Avondale’s crawling with them.” I love freaking people out.

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