It sounds like this kid wanted to make a quick buck bringing a vehicle up from the US. There are a few places in Southern Ont that do this especially with the strength in the dollar. There are some huge differences in prices for certain vehicles between Canada and the US( have a look at a RAV4 for instance). I've looked into purchasing a vehicle from the US before, there's a lot of paperwork involved that this guy should have taken care of before even considering selling the vehicle. The other thing is, although it doesn't apply in this situation, concerns warranties....despite our "Free Trade" agreement, many of the car companies won't honour warranties in these situations and I read that companies like Mercedes will only honour the warranty if you "Canadianize" the car in one of their facilities where they proceed to grab you by the ankles and empty your pockets...this is really just to deter people from bringing their cars across the border, whilst making a whack of $$, imo.

Half of communication is listening. You can't listen with your mouth.