My parents have an "island" of bushes in their back yard that has about 10 feeders and 3-4 suet stations, as well as 3-4 sugar feeders for the hummers. They get pretty much all the birds mentioned here plus several types of hummers, grackles, stellar jays, several types of chickadees(mountain, brown/black cap) and many others I can't remember. I'm sure every bird in Whiterock knows their house because they get adult birds like Pileated Woodpeckers and Nuthatches bringing their babies to the suet feeders to eat.

Every once in a while, they do get a Coopers or Sharp Shinned swoop down and pick off an unsuspecting bird though, or even a ground squirrel near the feeder.

Half of communication is listening. You can't listen with your mouth.