You have a very nice looking HT / listening room. I can't see where to put floorstanders in there unless you move the TV to the wall on the right side of the photo. As much as I love my M60s (and I do), this decision -- where the TV goes -- seems more important than the speakers. I'd try to decide that independent of the speaker choice -- you could try the right-wall configuration with your M22s for instance, to see if you like it. Only then, if you like the room arrangement that way (all parties like it that is), only then would I worry about M60s vs M80s. And at that point, just to trump your brother-in-law, I'd definitely get M80s. (And from what M80s owners say your room is a good fit for them.)

If it's any consolation, while my wife and I love our M60s, I find myself thinking, "Should I have bought the M22s and wall-mounted them instead?" The excitement of fellow Axiom owners just makes me want to try ALL of their speakers.

"These go to eleven."