I decided i will pay the shipping charges and return everything for an m60. It is in my budget, and i actually save money by returning 4 FMBs and 4 m22s for an m60

will the stf-2 rock the house? The one sticking point i have on the STF is everyone who talks about SVS says it demolishes every piece of movable furniture in the house. People who talk about the STF says its a really nice sub. See the difference? Has anyone heard both? The reason i ask is because they are sending me a new 25-31pci on monday and it should get here by friday(free shipping since it was broken when it got here). But if i call them on monday and tell them no thanks, and use the electronic shipping tag they gave me over email(allows me to send the broken SVS back free of charge) i will never be able to hear an SVS.

Once You Pop You Can't Stop