"Zooey Deschanel is positively adorable." I have a thing for her, actually. She was in a Jim Carey movie I saw pieces of (one where Jim Carey had to tell the truth all of the time), and she was "positively adorable" there as well. She has a bit of a "different" type of look, so I actually assumed I was unusual in having a thing for her.

I've seen Bob Sagat standup on HBO. I couldn't make it through it. I thought it was horrible. I think he definitely overcompensates for his sitcom days. His appearances on Entourage were o.k., but even those got tiresome fast. Same basic problem.

That being said, good call on Dirty Work, CV. I thought that was a cute movie, and in fact just bought it on DVD. Norm McDonald is one of those people who just makes me laugh, almost no matter what he is doing.

On the Tine Fey front, I just recently started watching 30 Rock. I think that show is fantastic. I never got the Tracy Jordan thing, but now I think he is very funny. In fact, I was thinking just last night how there are an unusually number of good Sitcoms on TV now: 30 Rock, the Big Bang Theory, Community, and Parks and Recreation all give me enough chuckles to warrant 30 minutes of my life (each).