Ok so just to clarify Grunt, you don't like the fact that they rely on slow Chinese suppliers? I'm not all that up on AV123's problems, only that people were having problems receiving what they ordered from them. If that is also a problem with Emotiva, then I was unaware. I guess all I can speak of is my own experence with them. Which went smooth as silk, no problems what-so-ever. If others have had problems getting their own products, then I can understand the concern.

As far as over-hyped reviews go, its a shame that a brand must pay the penalty for someone else making inflated claims about them, and getting a bad reputation because of it. I would feel it unfair as well if Axioms were slammed because of another site giving them more praise than they might deserve. I think Axiom tried to deliver an incredibly competitive product for a great price, and I don't feel they claim to do anything more than that. On the same note, I don't see Emotiva making superlative claims on their own website, only that they're trying their best to bring you a quality product at a very reasonable price point. So if other reviewers are falsely blowing them up and that's turning the masses off, then I feel that's a shame.

They are a small company, so growing pains are imminent. I guess I personally support them because I appreciate their efforts to save me money. I don't see a whole lot of companies out there doing this sort of thing. When I saw the price tag on Axioms M80's I had my doubts on how good they could actually be. But as it turns out I feel Axiom could easily charge twice as much as they do and still not be over priced. I like to reward companies such as these.

So even though Emotive might not have a spotless record, I'm still greatful for what they are attemptng to do for us.

My Stuff :

Denon 4802
Emotiva XPA-3
Samsung BD-P3600
Sharp 65 Inch Aquos LCD