Originally Posted By: kcarlile
Oh fine, just ignore that statement.

What I meant is that RARELY will anyone be using 200W at anything more than a brief peak, if even that.

Ok, I see what you mean then.

If my room were about 4 times as big as it is, with lots and lots of room treatments, bass traps and the like, and I was throwing some huge party with tons of people dancing around drunk out of their minds screaming, "turn it up man"!!!! Then I could see possibly maxing out the volume knob on the Emotiva and really giving it everything it has. But under normal circumstances, then I'm with you, most won't.

But I wouldn't say NEVER either. After all Alan has already told it before on here why the A1400 was designed. Because Ian was tired of his Denon dedicated amps (which if they were the Ultra's, put out 300 watts into 4 ohms) shutting down on him at his parties. So he built an amp that wouldn't disappoint him.

Sounds like I need to be at his next party!!! wink

My Stuff :

Denon 4802
Emotiva XPA-3
Samsung BD-P3600
Sharp 65 Inch Aquos LCD