Bag End was built by Bungo Baggins for his wife Belladonna Took, presumably before the birth of Bilbo in 1290 ShR, 2890 ThA. Bungo mostly used Belladonna's money to build it.
After the death of his mother in 1334 ShR, Bilbo Baggins lived alone at Bag End. And things were rather quiet until Bag End was the meeting place of an Unexpected Party in 1341 ShR.

Plenty of deliveries starting, the boxes are trickling in:

Panasonic 500 projector
Denon 2200 DVD
Axioms: m60s, 150, 350, QS8
Yamaha 1400

I'm waiting on the screen since I'm not sure what to go with 92" or 106" ... waiting to see what it looks like against the white sheet on the wall. (I think the white sheet will definately be the thing "that pulls the room together" so I'm not sure I'll be able to part with it once I nail it up.

Only question I have is what CD to play first? (the DVD question is simple... The Fellowship... of course)
I'm thinking of paying a tribute to Yes, and playing in its entirety, "Close to the Edge" Of sourse, the digitally remastered, Genensis, "Selling England by the Pound" might be a nice choice.

Any other suggestions?