Originally Posted By: ClubNeon
Originally Posted By: HomeDad
Reading a Denon manual and understanding it are two wholly separate things.

I'll probably never own a Denon, but I'm tempted to give their manual a shot, just to see if it really is as bad as everyone makes it out to to be. Perhaps then I could be a little more helpful in Denon related threads too.

But for now I have datasheets, and reference implementations for HDMI 1.4 chipsets to read up on.

Denon manuals aren't as bad as they are made out to be. They have the information you need, but you have to know how to interpret it. Much like any code book. Like the NEC, you need the guide book to go along with it. Unfortunately, Denon doesn't supply a guide book, but batpig has done well his.

As to the OP's original question, you don't NEED the outboard amp. It's a matter of WANT. I would pass on the Emo stuff though, if you really WANT an amp.