Originally Posted By: medic8r

Lately, the band that strikes the perfect chord is Green Day. I could listen to their last two CDs over and over again. Heck, I often do that on my commute. They have achieved sonic perfection - I wouldn't change a note. I'm flirting with the idea of picking up the drums, after being an air drummer for twenty-plus years. I used to think I'd want to play like Neil Peart, but now I think I'll set my sights on playing like the far more attainable, but still quite awesome, Tre' Cool.

Can't argue with you there. I also have similar drum aspirations. Before I took up the drums, Neil Peart was definitely my favorite drummer. Now that I strive to someday just break out of the beginner category, his amazing talent and the complex rhythms just make me angry.

If you plan attaining on being the next Tre' Cool, you might have a better shot on the drumming side but you will never be able to match his real life name. "Frank Edwin Wright the Third"

With great power comes Awesome irresponsibility.