I've considered getting a universal remote for a long time, but I've always put it off because using multiple remotes has never bothered me too much, and so the price of the more advanced remotes always kept it an idle thought. I'm curious about picking up a tablet PC at some point, though, if I can use one of them as a remote. Is anyone here using one for that function yet? The RedEye mini for the iPhone/iPad/iPod touch looks like it could be cool, but it's only doing IR. Ideally, I'd have Bluetooth covered as well for the PS3, but that's an issue with most remotes.

I think I'd rather get on the Android side of things. Has anyone kept track of what the options are there? One reason to go with the iPad would be to use it as a control for the Parrot AR.Drone, but they say, "It was initially designed for the Apple platforms and will be also available on other platforms in the next few months." I suppose waiting is the best thing to do for now, but I thought it was worth discussing. Waiting means more hardware options, more full-featured, fine-tuned apps, and probably cheaper prices.