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First off, what is SOCS? Well SOCS is a program that is used with Perpetual Technologies P-1A and it corrects phase and amplitude that plague all speakers. It also will interpolate and up sample redbook CD’s up to a true 24/96 signal. Is it speaker specific? Yes, each P-1A will have to be loaded with the coefficients for your specific speaker that you are using.

Hmm.. firstly, phase and amplitude don't plague all speakers, they're two components of any audio signal.

By the sounds of this... and this poster could be wrong, it does the following:

1-Upsampling to 24 bits (rather than 16), 96KHz (rather than 44.1) - anyone who remembers their digital theory knows that any bits added (or interpolated mathematically) into a bitstream come at the least significant side, yes, it doubles the number of values that the sample can hold, but the range stays constant. The "additional" sampling rate may or may not be an improvement - again, mathematically they're just creating new samples by averaging out the existing ones - they're not expanding the dynamic range because the Nyquist limit was already set at mastering, everything above 22.05KHz can't be regained, the information is simply not in the bitstream.

2- The speaker coefficient thing... this sounds a lot like Dot Gain in the print industry. My assumption on this is that it adjusts levels (in only 4 different bands, judging by a later quote from the poster) to give a flat response in volume up the amplitude curve. ie: if you send the speaker 50% of full power, and it plays at 40% of full power, the coefficient is 10%... if you send it 20% and it puts out 25%, it would be (-5%).

Not sure that this would have any real-world use, especially at the price listed. It would seem to be just another DSP (digital sound processor) in the chain to take the recorded track, wheedle with it and send it on it's way again.

Bren R.