You get around! Just read your reply on my "Rochester Audition post. Please PM the directions to the store in Toronto to me.

Now I can help you a bit. I have last year's Grand Wega (50"). It is special. I decided on it after some extensive research. The best all-around source of information I found was the AVS Forum (coincidentally, owned/operated here in Rochester). The Forum is here:

Once you get there, scroll down to the "Rear Projection Units" forum and you will find enough input to cause you to bleed from your eyes and ears. bar none - the best place to get info.

You will likely want to search on 60 XBR or GW III. Also search on "umr does GWIII". umr is a guy who has become somewhat of a legend on these TVs. Set aside some time; you will need it.

By the way GW III is the acronym for Grand Wega, Third Generation and they have been avaialble since last Sept/Oct. The GW II is the previous year's model.

I believe they had an issue with the early builds of the GWIII involving problems turning the TV on. It was tracced to a circuit in the chip set involving the bulb. Supposedly fixed with January builds and forward.

I can't describe how pleased I am with mine; I don't believe you will be disappointed with this choice.
