Hi folks,

Happy New Years! To start the year, let me apologize to all of those who I owe posts, PMs, FBs or emails to. Life was demanding just too much of my time lately and sadly, I had little time to frequent the boards and when I did have the time, I had simply had no energy left to do so.

Work and some personal items had me 110% absorbed prior to the Christmas Holidays but I couldn't start too deep into 2011 without touching base with all my friends here. In time, I will get back to any personal messages you may have sent. Please be patient.

In the mean time, I thought you might be interested in some pics of the storm we endured just before Christmas. No snow but the two days of hurricane force wind gusts combined with a full moon and who knows what else resulted in a storm surge never before seen here in the history of our province.

You can see the full slide show at the link below but here is a couple just to give you an idea what Im talking about. Here is a picture of the bridge leading to my road on the first day. Normally, I can kayak under this bridge at high tide and not even duck my head.

Here is what was left of a nearby warf after the surge and wind somewhat subsided. It's still an eerily high tide but I suspect the rolling action of the waves did a number on it when it was in full force.

More Pics.
Storm Surge 2010

Just a couple of days later we had a snow storm. Not a ton of snow but it was a wet heavy snow with a big wind that trashed our power grid. I was one of the lucky ones and only had brief periods of no power.

It could be worse, I suppose. We could be in Australia. That is simply unbelievable. After seeing the damage just one storm can do to our coastline, my heart goes out to those who are in the midst of a flood so big my entire province would be under water.

Be safe Ausies!

With great power comes Awesome irresponsibility.