Originally Posted By: wheelz999
Originally Posted By: Lampshade
How might a new visitor to this forum react to your avatar? Some will laugh. Some won't care. But somebody might be deeply hurt by it. You saying that it is ok because you are in a wheelchair (I apologize if that is not the case) to me is flawed.

Lampshade, in all the time that I've spent in the hospital, and of all of the disabled people I have befriended, I don't know one that would be offended by it. Everyone I know would consider it as acceptable because I'm disabled, and in essence, poking fun at my own disability.

Ideally though, it's a form of freedom of expression that transcends everything. Somebody could have a NAZI swastika as an avatar, and although I wouldn't like it (and in this example, hopefully everyone would despise it), that person still has the fundamental right to do so.

Regarding my avatar specifically. If somebody would be deeply hurt by it, especially after finding out that I am disabled, then I honestly think that's pathetic and they have bigger fish to fry.

Cull the bluenoses grin wink !

Cam, your posts often show you’ve done a lot of reading about various topics that also interest me and more importantly that you’ve spent time thinking about them as opposed to just blindly adhering to what you read. I only wish university truly fostered such thinking rather than paying lip service to it.

I especially appreciate your take on civil liberties which my travels of the world reveal most of us in the “West” take for granted. Over my life one of the most encroached upon is free speech which so many seem to feel should be curtailed lest it hurt some ones feelings. What a pathetically weak civilization we would have, perhaps are breeding, where no one should ever have to suffer or deal with having their feelings hurt. It’s one of the main reasons I noticed for other peoples disdain of “Westerners” . . . our self indulgent naval-gazing and ensuing guilt perpetuating the idea of “The White Man’s Burdon.” It will be interesting to see what our cultures evolve/devolve into as we continue to fight over temporally limited resources rather than expanding the resource base to raise the standard of living for everyone.

On another note, IMO the real measure of a person is not really how they acquit themselves in day-to-day life but how they handle life’s challenges, especially what for most would be adversity. Learning to laugh at and poke fun at oneself if a valuable and healthy tool. Since my motorcycle accident I’ve often wondered how I would respond to a permanent physical disability because based on that experience I’m not sure how well it would turn out. It’s very inspiring to meet someone who presses on and continues to grow rather than allow them self to wither away in all aspects of life. Cheers to you Cam!

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