Originally Posted By: 2x6spds
Of course Wheelz comes up with one of those Commie homosexual passtimes which they ascribe to middle America.

You know, your a real treat, that quite obviously is a member of the upper class, as your disdain for anyone that actually has any sort of real (positive) change is quite evident.

When did I say I'm a commie? When did I say I was homosexual? Is there anything wrong with being homosexual? People who don't have a warped moral compass don't say such things. But then again, I actually did'nt know that it was a homosexual act, as I've only seen it in the heterosexual movies, so you've obviously done your research.

Do yourself a favor and take the silver spoon out of your mouth, apparently the metals are affecting your brain.

The only reasonable argument for owning a gun is to protect yourself from the police.