JSkip: There will undoubtedly be a noticeable difference when you calibrate the speakers (there certainly was for me). It really made my surrounds come alive. As I'm finding however, the less you are a purist, the more you may be comfortable with setting separate components above your reference level. For instance, I think I prefer setting my sub about 5db above the rest of the speakers. Similarly, you may want to tinker with your surrounds. I promise not tell anyone if you don't. :-)

Re. 12 gauge versus 14 gauge: I was going to use 14 gauge for the same reason. There was a noticeably physical difference between the two wire with respect to thickness but knowing what I went through to get those cords into the walls, I wouldn't change it for nothing (unless, of course, something was really wrong). Since a lot of people have chimed in on the merits of 14 gauge being adequate, I personally wouldn't go through the effort to swap it out.

Thank the Lord this is a three day weekend because I'm having way too much fun listening to my CD collection again. The kids are dancing around the house, my wife is skipping around...who knew the impact this would have on everyone in the family. Again, too cool.

Last edited by Ockham; 02/16/04 04:05 PM.