Yes the X1 is a great option. It is hard to beat in price and quality. Careful matching of screen is important with the X1. The X1 has a fantastic de-interlacer...the Faroudja chip...upscales and clean up the picture signal.

Another 2 options is the Benq 6100 and the Optoma H30.

I prefer DLP projectors (versus LCD projector) as all above projector are. They have great contrast ratio and color.
But heed that most projectors work best with a light controlled room. Any sort of lighting would wash out any projector setup.

I have been happy with the X1 for the past year but have recently sold it...and upgrading to the Optoma H30 in a couple of place has more lighting constraints and need a much higher lumen output projector that the Optoma can produce.


ps: a trial is in order with any projector if possible. Some say rainbows are more prevalent with DLP projectors but I would rather have some of that SDE (screen door effect) or vertical banding that are seen in lower end LCD projectors.