Cam wrote:

"A barbecue and grill are interchangeable terms when referring to the cooking appliance, as I was. But, as Rick correctly stated, it's the cooking technique that differs.

Used literally, the term "grilling" refers to cooking food over a direct flame or other high-heat source. BBQ, on the other hand, has three distinct differences. One main difference between grilling and BBQ is the heat source. BBQ uses indirect heat or low-level heat to cook foods - usually meats.

If you're cooking with low, indirect heat on a Weber "grill", you're barbequing.

We do both, so it's a fucking barbecue."

Yes, I'm sure it is one of those special and profane barbecues. I am not surprised that when caught not knowing the difference between a grill and a bbq, (no big deal, really) first you contend there's no difference and then you resort to profanity.

You really lower the level of discourse here, Cam.

Enjoy the Music. Trust your ears. Laugh at Folks Who Claim to Know it All.