Originally Posted By: DanielBMe
I watched FOTR last night and thought it looked and sounded fantastic! After reading all the noise about the green tint and whatnot, I didn't find it bothered me at all. I did spot it in a few scenes but not sure if I would have noticed had I not heard about the controversy. I did find the movie appeared somewhat dark at times, scenes like the fighting in Moria, I couldn't tell what was happening some of the time. I found that far more disturbing than any green tint. Anyone else notice that?

Some of the forums, especially blu-ray.com and avs went totally apesh@t and overboard! I found the discussion at hometheaterforum to be much more informative and civil. http://www.hometheaterforum.com/forum/th...tion-in-blu-ray

I found the opposite. In the scenes in the Mines of Moria I thought the black levels were far better than in the DVD version. There were no times when I couldn’t vividly see the image except where it seemed intended like early close-ups of Gandalf when only his face is lit. The contrast also seemed much better in those scenes. Also there seemed to be more depth of colour which could also have been attributable to the better black levels. Add to that the sharper looking image and the entire effect was much more 3 dimensional.

Note I’ve only looked at it on my 134”screen so I’m not sure what if any differences I would oneitce on my 46” one.

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