You will be very happy, this is a great setup for HT. But believe me, given the performance of the speakers, u will be digging out all ur CDs and will be spending more time than you thought listening to music.

My system is very similar expect that i have vp150 and qs8 with HSU STF1 sub. If you research the forum u will figure out that qs4 and vp100 are great speakers and will serve ur room very well. Plus qs4s have bigger tweeters now.

You may also want to consider HSU STF2, its on sale for 399 but there is a backorder for it. Call HSU and get to know the waiting time and see if it fits into ur plans. Great sub , plus saves u a 100$.

And dont hesitate to call axioms, they never pressure u with a sale and a r very honest.