Jason, I questioned a DROBO at one point, but I can't seem to get past the very mediocre...even poor...reviews. I feel like I would never fully trust it's reliability, and if you can't do that, what's the point?

I wonder about a NAS with redundancy RAID, though... even though I'm likely to keep my photos local on my Photoshop computer. It might be great for music streaming to my Denon or for casual, personal photos.

My game plan is to transfer ALL of my photos (from the last 12 years of being digital) onto an extra 2TB internal drive I mounted on my PS computer, and index them all with keywords in LightRoom as I go along. Once they're indexed, I can offload the majority of them onto two separate external drives which I'll keep off-premises in two different locations. I just bought a 64GB USB 3.0 stick for doing the transferring.

Only then, will I feel updated, organized and secure as far as they are concerned.

Unfortunately, as with many other things, it's such a huge job and requires enough concentration that I can't simply do it "10 minutes here, 10 minutes there". And again, with so many other things in my life, it's not getting done because I'm too busy treading water just to keep my head above the water than to make any progress towards reaching the shore.

I just pray that I don't have a hard drive failure in the meantime, but that's crazy and pointless because I'm an atheist!

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::