In reply to:

Can't really call it a forum anymore.


Everyone here is welcome to his or her own opinions. It's only when people try to pass their opinions off as fact that the "scientific circle jerks" feel it is necessary to point out the flaws in those beliefs. I don't know about you, but I'd trust results from scientifically controlled tests over my own ears in an uncontrolled environment any day.

This Axiom Forum (and it's still a forum) happens to be home to many people who value scientific data over personal opinion. Part of the reason why Axiom speakers are so good is that through their entire development process they've been subjected to test after test after test after test -- many of them double-blind. Would you rather the designers had just trusted their ears and produced an un-neutral speaker tailored to their own personal bias?

If you don't like it here anymore, then GTFO.