Hi again All!

Firstly, thank you for the immediate flood of replies offering assistance.

Secondly, I want to apologize if I offended anyone with my "submissiveness."

Seriously though, having read through my entire post again, I suppose that would be a valid assessment. It's just that I think it too often goes unnoticed by the "virgin ears" like myself, just what a remarkable resource you provide. Imagine the timely exchange of information from the minds of those in the know to those less "battle-ready", taking place in a courteous and magnanimous manner, all of your own accord arising solely from a desire to assist with very little compensation, if any, in sight on the return end. Heck I couldn't even PAY for such at a high-end audio retailer.

As you are doing me a service I want to prove my receptiveness and not bite the hand that feeds me. Often the case on other fora that I visit, in response to my question, or one like it, a regular could have generated this: "It'd be helpful to use the SEARCH function once in a while." End of story.

So in advance, thanks again for taking the time to help, you guys really rise above the rest out there. Now moving on to my replies:

I can't believe that with all of my drivel in the first post, I couldn't find the space to mention that I have a sub already. It happens to be a Hsu STF-2, again another golden recommendation from those on this board. And you're right, I wouldn't even think about rounding out the system without the purchase of a sub first.

With some more searching I was also able to uncover your great detailed comparison, chesseroo, of the M22 vs. QS8's for surround duty. As stated, it all comes down to the primary use of the system that governs the purchasing path followed. Given my small room at the moment, my primary emphasis on music listening and the difficulty posed in having to wall-mount speakers with my room setup, I am leaning towards purchasing the M2's for rear duty now, and holding off on the QS8's and center channel until I have more funds as well as a larger room (hopefully in 6-12months). I figure that this way if I should ever up the system from 5.1 to 7.1 I could use my already acquired M2's for rear center duty, like so many others seem to be doing.

How does this idea sit with everyone? Feedback is very much appreciated!

A big thanks to all again for busting out their guiding rays of light and clearing up the haze