Considering when I was first looking at Audyssey vs MCACC a few years back, the best you could get was MultEQ, the XT is a lot nicer.
MultEQ XT32 - MultEQ XT - MultEQ - 2EQ
Filter Res : Satellites - 512x - 16x - 2x - 0x
Filter Res : Subwoofer - 512x - 128x - 128x - N/A
Number of Measurements Pos - 8 - 8 - 6 - 3
Low Freq Correction - Yes - Yes - Yes - N/A
X-Over, Polarity, Delays, Levels - Yes - Yes - Yes - Yes

So definitely more filter resolution as you go up, and I can take a measurement from each of the 8 seat locations.

Considering my MCACC was just a little better than the 2EQ, this will be a big jump.

Farewell - June 4, 2020