Originally Posted By: BobKay

I will suspend my smarm for a brief moment and wish everyone a great .XXXmas and a Happy New Year.

Seriously, I haven't made a shrink appointment since I've been hangin' out here.

Thanks guys (and Mary and Amie).

Well, that didn't last long. After I wrote that sentence, I spent the next 4 days thinking about it. I called and made an appt.

Shrink: Emm, (he's from Dublin) only problem is, I'm away from the 12th through the end of the month.
Bob: That's OK. It's not life and death. I'll wait 'til you get back.
Shrink: "Life and death" means something different to you than normal people.
Bob: Cool! So I'll see you when you return?
Shrink: No! I'm squeezing you in at 11:00 on the 6th.
Bob: Great, so we're gonna open a huge can o'
worms and then you're gonna abandon me for three weeks.
Shrink: It's the 6th, so we'll talk about how the ethnics brought gifts to the Baby Jesus. You know it's a very big womens' holiday in Ireland.
Bob: How's that gonna help me?
Shrink: We'll talk about it. See you then.

Always call the place you live a house. When you're old, everyone else will call it a home.