Hi Amy,

Web servers are not my thing, but it seems to me that if the issue lied in your web server, html code or other local settings, then the problem would be much more universal.. or .. it points to a very specific combination of setting on your web server on concert with the settings of particular users that are not playing friendly with each other.

The first scenario may just be regional traffic flow issues and thus unfixable by Axiom. The second sounds more plausible as the tracerts I saw earlier did show the sometimes normal discrepancies but certainly there was no smoking gun. The second, unfortunately, is also a bigger, much more difficult chase, as I'm sure I don't need to tell you.

If this helps,
I have yet to see the lag some folks are mentioning so I once again tried multiple browsers from both work and home and could not replicate the issue. Both are from the same service provider but yesterday I was visiting a client in NB and had some time at lunch to poke around the board at lunch. Their PBX business is through us but they use a competing ISP, Rogers. Again no issues via the four browsers I have on my laptop.

Tracerouting to Axiom through Rogers gave me the expected extra few hops as it went through their core in the US to get to Ontario, as apposed to our direct route, but even then I did not see a noticeable difference in Axiom load times.

I'm not sure if this info helps at all as it broadens the mystery more than it narrows it down but I'll add it to the mix as sometimes knowing what is 'not' effected can be as important as what is being effected.

I don't think I ever logged in during my lunch tests yesterday. I doubt that mattered much but I'll add this detail just in case.

Last edited by Murph; 02/23/12 01:58 PM. Reason: forgot one detail

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