I apologize for contributing the the highjacking... It was all initiated by Monstermile's great HT set-up is all...

But let's not fool ourselves - aside from some of the conveniences, movie theaters are pretty great - that's kind of what we're all striving for. In that same vein, money (the cost of a movie vs. the cost of renting DVD's) can't really drive our decisions, considering we'd have to see close to 625 movies (based on a $5000 home theater system and a $8 movie ticket) to begin saving money on your theater (and that doesn't include rental fees or DVD purchase prices). Just some food for thought about how much we are spending to avoid going to the movies...

On another side note - as a DVD watcher - my calendar is just shifted back six months or so. I no longer look in the paper to see what movies are currently playing. I go to dvd.ign.com and find out when a movie that I am interested in is going to be released on DVD. I guess it's all relative.

p.s. No more highjacky-jacky.

p.p.s. - Love your system - very jealous. Hope you love it (Sure you will.)

Last edited by Capn_Pickard; 03/12/04 09:55 PM.