OK, it's been 10 years since I had to do anything in Unix/Linux. Cisco IOS keeps me typing commands more than I want to anyways but I now want to brush up a bit again. So I have Ubunto loaded in VBox just to re familiarize myself, but it's more like starting over considering things have changed so much since the text only world I once knew.

I'm looking for a recommendation on a good web reference to keep with the free theme as per above or a book, if need be. Something a bit more advanced than a "For Dummies" guide but not strictly just a command reference either. I won't be running a server or anything but I'd just like to re-familiarize myself to better have conversations with customers.

Thanks all who can offer suggestions. It's easy to find hundreds of such options via web searches but for some inexplicable reason, I value your opinions here. Well, most everyone's..... snicker.

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