Alright. I wake up and there's been some action around here. On the password note, I was not aware of that product for windows, and naturally it doesn't comfort me to know about it. On the firmware password, I haven't personally tired it, it sounds like exactly what is needed. A friend of mine however, told me that if you fail it three times in a row the thing will still boot. (Personally that sounds like nonsense to me, but this is just what I've been told by a friend with a powerbook g4 and I have no way to confirm or deny it.)

Now then, snippy, I have a linksys 802.11b wireless router in my apartment, and my desktop is wired to it. But whenever people come over with a laptop, mac or pc, they can get online without any problem. From your explained use of your laptop, I would personally recommend a mac anyway.

As I said before, mac wins for useability and stability, pc wins for economic high end performance. That's why I'm on the dark side, I grew up serious gamer, and ended up a serious programmer. These days I do most of my programming in java anyway, so I could code on a mac without any trouble, but the hardware is not cheap enough for me to justify it. I can just get more computer for my money with a pc, and I've been working on pc's long enough that fixing them whenever they act up is not a problem.

I want to be clear, I'm not doing any mac bashing here. I like them, they're good computers, they're just not good computers for me.

[black]-"The further we go and older we grow, the more we know, the less we show."[/black]