I did a lot of research on LCD FPs. I had heard some rumors about SDE and VB problems with the LCD projectors, enough to get me a bit apprehensive about plopping down 2k. I narrowed it down to the Sanyo Z2 and the Panasonic PT AE500. The ratings of the 2 seemed pretty similar, except the Sanyo has some additional mounting options, that supposedly help eliminate the need to use keystone correction if you have to mount in a weird location. (some claim that using keystone correction degrade resolution)

Since I didn’t need the extra gizmos and moving parts, I went with the Panasonic. When I plugged this thing in, I was floored. It took a week to get the smile off my face. From 14 feet away, and over 10 foot wide screen there is no SDE, and only occasional VB in dark scenes (I'm working on the screen to eliminate that).

The one issue with FP is that you become very concerned with the source. i.e., high definition looks spectacular, good quality dvds look great, but regular TV -- stinks. I don't even bother. Even some older DVDs don’t look that great blown up on the big screen.

Good luck with your decision. I'd be interested in the hearing about the 4805 if you go down that route.