Originally Posted By: JohnK
Most of us have better uses for the money.

I guess i am in the minority.....

Philippe, i ordered my LFR's with cast woofers as well as cast tweeters.. the tweeter upgrade is an option, just not listed yet...

I ordered cast... Because, Well, in my opinion they look better... that was the extent of my decision making process.. i think it was an extra 30$ for me to upgrade the woofers, and maybe another 20$ for the tweeters... But honestly, i didn't really care about the extra cash.. When your buying 3,700$ speakers for 2,700$, what's 50 bucks?...

I completely agree that stamped baskets can have the same rigidity as cast, the more folds that you introduce into a metal structure the more rigid it becomes. If it is of a proper thickness with the correct amount of bends, it can be very stiff.