Originally Posted By: Nitsud
Any thoughts on the anthem line? I'm not sure of price bit have heard they are the cats meow. Or what other options do i have for a pre pro?

Anthems are ok, but they are going to be about 5k+$$... are you going to run RCA outs or XLR'S? i would get the onkyo processor, it has both XLR and RCA, if you wanted something with a bit better build quality you could get the integra....

I am going to mirror what the others have said, i would not spend a boat load of cash on a processor... I have a Krell HTS 7.1, which retailed for 9,000$+ when new (i bought mine used)... I will not be buying another krell processor.. I will most likely be buying the integra product. I though about the marantz, i have owned their stuff in the past, but the integra/onkyo have more features. From now on, i think i will limit the amount that i spend on a processor to around the 2,500$ and below range, i personally can not justify spending the extra money that the high end names want.. Granted the build quality on the Krell is phenomenal, all machined aluminium, nothing stamped which i really like.. But, for the price premium, at this point i would rather invest the extra cash because i can not really "hear, or see" a big difference... When i got the Krell, it was replacing a NAD, and at the time my roomate said that he could not tell any difference between the two processors...

With the anthem, you have to pay extra for the mic ect i think... I did some reading about them... I seem to remember having to pay for something with the Anthem product that was included by everyone else...

acessories4less has the onkyo processor fr 1,549$$..

Here is a NAD T175HD for 1,699$, they also have the T187, but that is 3,000$

I have bought products from both of the above companies, and would buy from them again.. When spearit sound had a store in Boston, i would go there and look at the stuff they had and just B.S, for an hour or two.. They are a good bunch of guys. Accessories 4 less is quite popular with people on the forum.

Between the Onkyo and NAD, if you were going to use RCA's, then i personally would choose the NAD, NAD in my opinion is a better built product than Onkyo. However, the Onkyo will most likely have more features....

Good luck.

Last edited by dakkon; 05/20/12 06:00 PM.