Well.....I go to work and come back to a bunch of responses. Gotta love a post that leads down the road to bigger issues, such as marriage. Some quick responses:

Ford - Don't think I can go the "whoops" route. Though these old Yammy dogs are pretty bad, they took me all the way through college and beyond.

Birdman - I tried a lot of the arguments posted here and most ended up w/ rolled eyes and chuckles. (She is aware of my plea for assistance) She actually stopped and did a "hmmmm" after trying the cave one.

Capn & Tinfoil- Yours took the biggest roll of the eyes. "No, you didn't just go there w/ the good of our marriag and our family" Didn't think she'd buy that.....plus, couldn't keep straight face

Ray - Don't think I can sell the wife....though the thought crosses my mind from time to time. As far as dropping components.....not gonna go that route. Ringmir's suggestion about having a second setup was/is my plan.

Ringmir - Go for the projector. When she sees a movie on the big screen for the first time, she will be in heaven. Also, I agree w/ Birdman, that love for the hobbies dulls a bit when you have the house, kids, etc pulling her attention. She'll love your hobbies when they're up and working. Prior to that, it's always a hard sell going for the big toys.

RCVECC - I agree w/ tinfoil, the blah blah blah goes away initially, but it comes back to haunt you on those big purchases. They don't forget....they NEVER forget. It's hard to fight back when her impulse buys are $65 purses and yours are speakers, endless computer upgrades, a projector, more speakers....etc.

Well, in the end, I think that she has given up on her position. The combination of Birdmans cave argument, the second theater for the kid, the end of personal spending, and to just plain shut me up about it has put this one to rest.

Thanks for everyone's input. Together, I have won the battle....at least that's what she wants me to think. This is just leverage she has to get what she wants. After all, it's a fool who thinks he wears the pants.