Thanks to all for the tips. JP, you weren't helpful at all. I just wanted to point that out! smile

I'm going to make a list of things to check or at least look out for. Some I'll do on my own and others I'll have my mechanic do.

Dakkon, I used to think nothing of replacing my own exhaust system or rebuilding my own carb, but that was many moons ago...and it feels longer ago than that. Now, to be frank, even if I developed the inclination, I would never have time to do it. I have long lists of things to do that are within my skills....and I'm not making any progress with them. Better at this point to just pay someone.

Tom- no sale! I've wanted a truck for a long time but could never justify it...the initial expense of $5K+ even for a beater, the parking issues, etc. Within the last year I've gained one parking spot via my neighbor giving me a bunch of heavy landscaping work for free and gained another by not having an employee park here. And now, getting the truck for no cost (well, those $800 worth of tires and the other stuff that needs to be done).... I'm keeping it and hopefully getting 12 more years out of that truck!

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::