I know that there are posts questioning/criticizing the usefulness of the auto calibration/equalization features of these kinds of units, but since I just recently obtained the Denon 3805 A/V Receiver for other reasons, I thought I'd give it a go and let you know what I found out.

Bottom Line: Pretty good for calibration. Totally sucky for equalization.

Admittedly, I used the microphone from my Radio Shack meter (and would like to hear your thoughts with respect to the impact that this [the quality, or lack thereof, of the microphone] might have had on my results), but my 'equalized' receiver caused the speakers (M60's, QS8's, and a VP150, with a HSU sub) to sound muted. Without equalization, I can describe the sound as clear, three dimensional, and warm. When I turn the equalization on, however, it's like I put a wad of cotton in my ears. Just horrible.

As I mentioned above, I'm wondering if the dramatic difference in quality has anything to do with the microphone I used (which, if so, makes me wonder whether it is worth buying a real microphone for the job).
