Originally Posted By: J. B.
Originally Posted By: AdrianD
I didn't listen to the Minis but I had a chance to listen to the big Model T... naturally coupled with Bryston gear. I think they are phenomenal, but then I love Axiom. The interesting thing is that I had a friend with me who is not crazy about Axiom mainly because because he dislikes having many drivers in one speaker. That being said, my friend too was VERY impressed with the Model T.

As for the other forums... it's not even worth the time going there; they have exact same attitude towards Axiom as they have against another Company: Emotiva, which uses the same business model as Axiom. If I was to summarize the attitude, this would be my take:
"Hello; I'm in the market for speakers/amplifiers. I've heard about Axiom/Emotiva. What do you guys think?"
"Well, I've never owned or heard Axiom/Emotiva but... they suck big time. Don't buy."

It always comes down to the simple "The proof of the pudding is in the eating";
Nothing else.

There are also the "experts" who can tell the quality of a X-over just by having a look at a photo of it.

A photo of a crossover can tell you a lot about the crossover itself - type of resistors, inductors, caps, order/slopes, typology.

I’m armed and I’m drinking. You don’t want to listen to advice from me, amigo.

-Max Payne