You guys are too old maybe, LOL. Just kidding. I really like The Walking Dead series. Keep in mind that after an episode or two, you could still care less about the characters.

Now, it has been a while since I've seen the first few shows, so I can't speak specifically about it.

But keep this in mind, while it IS a super popular show, that doesn't mean it is for everyone. Heck, people like shows like Survivor, American Idol, etc, and I really don't get those shows.

I also don't like Doctor Who, and it is really popular with hard core sci-fi people. Heck, you all like a lot of music that I could care less about. That doesn't make that music bad, just different.

Remember, if we all liked the exact same things, then we might as well be clones. smile

Farewell - June 4, 2020