This thread topic ought to be fun. I would say that this will potentially get as agressive as some political threads.

For me, I like my XBox 360, I am not jumping on to any new platform any time soon.

One thing to keep in mind is that several of these things can change over time. The DRM, internet check, adding 4K, new controllers, etc.

I think that people with an XBox will *tend* to stay in that camp, and people with PlayStations will *tend* to stay there too. There will obviously be some switching going on, and some people will love it while others will get burned by it not meeting their expectations.

As with anything like this, I don't like being on the cutting edge with it. Let someone else iron out "real world" usage first. I mean, if it is anything like the current platforms that came out a while ago (Nov 2005 for XBox and Nov 2006 for PS3), you have quite a long time before the console will be replaced again, so missing out on a month or two while the bleeding edge users basically test out the systems and changes/fixes come flowing won't really be missing out much in the total lifespan of the products.

Farewell - June 4, 2020