Oh my... They have their own union... smile A union that makes perfect copies of imperfectly made, cheap robots.

that is probably harder than replicating something that was made with precision and not meant to look like an odd shaped box with styrofoam ball halves glued to it, with a toilet plunger for the right hand of the guy inside, and some random stuff (which actually looks OK) for their left hand to manipulate.

OK. I will really stop ripping on Dr. Who. There is a large population of people that really like the show, and that is great. It is obviously fitting a niche there.

Besides, I've got my own TV show that is just rediculous. My family and I have been watching Revolution on TV. (between seasons right now) That show has some of the worst writing, so many plot holes, so many bipolar characters (anyone can flip from sane to insane, calm to psychotic, rational to unrational, etc in seconds just to fit the bad writting. We sit there, as a family, and even say outloud, "Why are we watching this? It is so bad." Yet we still watch it.

Farewell - June 4, 2020