I don't want to be a downer but asking a crowd of people to speak more quietly can actually be a first sign of hearing loss. You lose the ability to focus on a single voice/conversation in a noisy environment and it's usually something you notice before you catch on to the gradual decline in volume that can be easily missed.

Not saying that is your case though. No way I can know that.

To be more helpful....
I have two friends with tinnitus. One has had it almost his entire life and it is deemed untreatable. The other got it seemingly, randomly and it turned out to be caused by an oscillating blood vessel in his ear. He had minor surgery and was cured.

The interesting thing was that the doctor himself was able to hear the noise in his ear with some instrument so it was easily distinguishable from the non-treatable kind caused by ear damage or other issues. I suspect the suggestion of sinus medicine may relate to this blood vessel type of tinnitis. Can't hurt to try. Unless of course you plan on participating in the Olympics.

Ask your doctor to listen for the noise to see if he can hear it. If he looks at you as if preparing to diagnose schizophrenia, abandon him and go see a hearing specialist. If they can hear it, it may be a blood vessel or muscle tissue causing it and is likely then treatable.

Last edited by Murph; 09/27/13 11:56 AM.

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