Originally Posted By: CV
I have an overly large gift inventory on Steam, and I'm looking to shrink it down. This is me:

Steam Community :: s.morgenstern

Just add me as a friend, tell me you're from the Axiom message board so I know what's up, and browse through my inventory. If there's anything you want, let me know. First come, first serve, but only choose one to start. If I still need to get rid of more, I'll post again.

And feel free to use this thread for anything Steam-related, since I'm sure there will be plenty to talk about with SteamOS and the Steam Controller coming out next year.

I'll take them, dude. Invite to trade anytime.

Side note - You REALLY should play Dota 2! There's quite a learning curve, and it's very technical, but it's A LOT of fun. I'll gladly help you get started.

The only reasonable argument for owning a gun is to protect yourself from the police.