Well, having priced things, the HP M80s are $2,530 with the footers, and the M100s are $2,930 with the same. For only $400 more, is the M100 a better option than the HP M80?

The main reason I was attracted to the M80 was its low cost. If I'm going to add 1/3 to the cost with HP woofers, I'm most of the way to the M100s instead. The cost difference of the HP woofers as a percentage of that M80 total investment is HUGE!

The original $1,500 cost of the M80s was within the WAF. The $2,530 to $3K may not be. The alternate is to go M60s with the sub - THAT cost is more doable.

On the other hand, I do plan to keep these for a long while, and I'm reluctant to be "penny-wise and pound-foolish." I could afford the $3K, but to do so, I need to liquidate lots of "closet gear" first, and the delay will put me beyond Axiom's sale price window. The even HIGHER prices after this window expires may put me out of the running entirely.

jump now for the (affordable) M80s sans HP or wait for the (far more expensive) options down the road?

My opinion is worth exactly what you're paying for it!