I thought I'd piggy back on this thread rather than start a new one. Here's my story. I am contemplating upgrading from my M60's to M80 or the M100's. Reason being, my M60's are 10 years old...they still work great / look great...just have a case of upgraditis. Wondering if I should or just take some meds till the feeling passes.

Seriously though, wondering if I should just stick w/ the M60's w/ my current listening habits (will get into later). Would moving to the current V4 M60 benefit me at all or while I am at it, just go w/ the M80 or M100?

Current 5.2 setup.

Fronts M60's (10 years old, think V2, maybe even V1)
Center VP180 (3 years old, think V1)
Rears QS8's (10 years olf, think V2, maybe V1)
Dual Subs SVS PC13 Ultras

Receiver Onkyo TXNR-801 (no seperate Amp)

Listening Habits 80% Action movies, 10% Concert Movies, 10% Music

SO, reason i am thinking, just cause there's been so many changes to the M60's in last 10 years.

Question 1. Would going to current version of M60 be a noticeable audible differnce?

Question 2. if I am upgrading, should I just step up to the M80?

Question 3. With my dual sub setup, no external amps, and listening habits of mine being mainly movies, would going to the M80's benefit me at all?

Any / all opinions welcomed.

The trade in program, after subtracting shipping / packing materials needed, I'd get $390 for my 10 year old speakers. Pretty good in my opinion.