I think Chess nailed it.

FWIW, becoming efficient isn't a 5 minute exercise in playing Donald Trump and yelling "your fired" at a bunch of people.

I work in an industry that excels a efficiency. In our plant, we have a small team of people who's only job is to drive both efficiency improvements and ergonomic improvements.

Getting efficient is a difficult 24/7/365 slog. Sometimes you take steps backwards and have to undo what you just 'fixed'. You get there in tiny steps, with each requiring a lot of effort.

Governments don't create jobs, despite what every politician tells you. They create and manage the underpinnings of an economy: infrastructure, healthcare, acceptable and reasonable working conditions.

We can't afford infrastructure investments? That's insane!!! This is at the core of what a government does and North America in general has been falling behind here.

Elections are not won on platforms, they are won on rhetoric, so it is always hard to know what a politician is actually going to do, but Mr. Hudak came off as the one who most believed his own BS and that concerned me. The man showed a lot of potential as a wrecking ball. That's not how you build things up.

The most interesting idea in this election was one line from Andrea Horvath about creating a ministry of savings. It never even registered with anyone. Not the electorate, not the political analysts, nobody. Think Demming, kaizen.


Blujays1: Spending Fred's money one bottle at a time, no two... Oh crap!