Re. they don't wear out...
They do if you don't mix oil in your gas. Of course, nor should they survive that. I'm just a bit bitter that my Echo blade cutter I bought to keep clear an area where we planted some young trees was destroyed by my Dad who borrowed it and poured the wrong gas container into it. No warranty of course either for that.

Anyways' I'm just happy to still have my Dad at this point so I can forgive his mistake. I am losing my never ending battle to my stupid neighbor's bamboo though. So I may need to reinvest.

If you ever see a neighbor planting bamboo, thinking it would make a nice privacy line, DON"T LET HIM! Do whatever it takes short of gunfire. I lose about 2 half days a month from late spring till late fall getting rid of the stuff. That valuable time adds up over our limited summer season.

Hmm where is that rant of the day thread again?

With great power comes Awesome irresponsibility.