I can still hear and see as well as when I was 40, or 30. I wore glasses from the ages of 7 to 13. I read somewhere that much of optometry/eyeglass prescriptions was bull, so I stopped wearing them. My sister was 10 at the time and I told her to throw them away, too. She had worn then since 5. I still don't, she started wearing reading glasses at 48.

Oh, I'm not boasting. My sight and hearing are the only parts of my body that are not quickly sliding into decrepitude. I can clearly see all my joints that are twisting and I can perfectly discern the snaps and cracks when I move.

Old age sucks, so, if you're already younger than I am, do everything you can to keep it that way.

Glad it all went well TAM. Hope most of your other bits are working well, too!

Always call the place you live a house. When you're old, everyone else will call it a home.