Originally Posted By pmbuko
Aren't Canadians supposed to be polite?

Oh shut up Peter!

I come back after a few months to this?
who stirred that pot anyway?

Geez Matt, you react as if someone slapped your mother after saying they heard impossible differences between amps because they did a listening test under completely uncontrolled, non-blind and biased methods in their own home but that everyone should just "believe" them.

Of all the posts in the forums, this one was actually good for info on non-audio topic. Greg has supplied a link to more info which is worth reading. Not everyone knows about everything.
Perhaps the link of info is worth considering and then responding to, assuming you have knowledge or expertise to address his response.


I for one have not been following the latest in video compression. I suspect that once we gear up for a new large format tv in the media room i'll begin researching the topic again. I just don't like LED so this waiting game for something, perhaps OLED, is just painful.

"Those who preach the myths of audio are ignorant of truth."