Thanks everyone. Once I get settled into the new house, I'll pull the trigger on the M80's and the EP800.

Two final questions:

1. I'll probably sell the HSU sub I have, but a small part of me is considering using it as a 2nd sub behind the listening area (the EP800 will be going up front between the center and FL speakers. Goal is to even out the sound, but it's probably overkill and not a great matchup in subs.

2. Will the Marantz tuner be sufficient to power the new M80's and the VP180? The old M22's are 8 Ohms and the new M80's are 4 Ohms, and the new VP180 is 4 Ohms while the old VP150 is 6 Ohms. I'm assuming no problems for day to day listening, but those rare occasions that call for high volume for extended periods... will Marantz cut out or shut down?
